Syntax US Large/MidCap 1000

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Get yearly classification of the Syntax Large/MidCap 1000 constituents at both the company and product line levels. Get revenue information broken down by both product line and geographic segments.

Icon for Data Composition
Data Composition: US Large- and Mid-Cap Companies
Icon for Primary Business Classification
Primary Business Classification: 6,130+
Icon for Product Line Classification
Product Line Classification: 24,878+
Icon for Coverage
Coverage: 2013 - present*
Icon for Sector Taxonomy
Business Risk Groups: 1,500+ exposures across 43 lenses
Icon for Geography
Geographic Segments: 44,000+
Icon for Classification Process
Classification Process: Analyst-Validated Classification

Data export enables analyst to:

  • Understand multiple company risk factors that leverages a patented, multi-attributed classification system
  • Screen companies based on industry, lines of business, product line revenue, or geographic segments.
  • Create accurate peer groups and identify competitors at the business and product line levels.

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* Some companies may have additional historical classification data.

Data Preview

LCSID Fiscal Year Product Line ID Revenue segment Product Line Name Metric Type Metric Percentage Is Primary
LC0000000455 2002 23216 Airlines Commercial Airline Revenue 100.00 true
LC0000000455 2017 23221 Airlines Commercial Airline Revenue 100.00 true
LC0000000455 2018 28339 Passenger Revenue Commercial Airline Revenue 91.32 true
LC0000000455 2016 28352 Airlines Commercial Airline Revenue 100.00 true
LC0000000455 2015 28356 Airlines Commercial Airline Revenue 100.00 true
LC0000000455 2014 28359 Airlines Commercial Airline Revenue 100.00 true
RBR ID Parent RBR ID Taxonomy Name Description Level
82734 Activity Activity The Activity lens analyzes companies based on shared business activities, irrespective of the resource being acted upon. The lens is segmented into the following groups: Produce, Sell/Broker, Lease/Rent/Subscription, Process Transactions/Transfer Money, Infrastructure Operators, Software Developers and Operators of Website/Electronic Platforms, Transportation, Financing, Underwriting, and Trading, Professional Services, Research, Development, and Design, Leisure, Accommodation, and Recreation, Social and Consumer Services, and Maintenance, Repair, and Cleaning. 1
82735 82734 Activity Produce The related business risk associated with the Produce group is the manufacture, extraction, and development of resources. 2
82736 82735 Activity Resource Extraction The related business risk associated with the resource extraction group is the growing, mining, or drilling of natural resources. 3
82737 82735 Activity Manufacturing The related business risk associated with the Manufacturing group is the is the production of products using labour, machines, tools, chemical and biological processing, or formulation. 3
82738 82735 Activity Construction & Engineering The related business risk associated with the Real Estate Construction group is the construction, engineering, and development of real estate and infrastructure. 3
82739 82735 Activity Media and Information Production The related business risk associated with the Media Production group is the publishing, broadcasting, and producing of media. 3
LCSID Fiscal Year Region Region Type Revenue as Percentage
LC0000000455 2002 Americas Superregion 86.51
LC0000000455 2002 Latin America Region 14.63
LC0000000455 2002 North America Region 71.88
LC0000000455 2002 North America Subregion 71.88
LC0000000455 2002 EMEA Superregion 11.10
LC0000000455 2002 Europe Region 11.10
LCSID Company Name
LC0000215012 AptarGroup Inc.
LC0000221945 Regency Centers Corp.
LC0000166793 SLM Corp
LC0000153841 Physicians Realty Trust
LC0000054486 Lennar Corp
LC0000376954 Accenture PLC
LCSID Share Class FIGI
LC0000222174 BBG001S8Q6N2
LC0000075051 BBG001S5V9J1
LC0000221283 BBG001S7GXB9
LC0000161091 BBG019M62R54
LC0000021600 BBG001S5PXG8
LC0000020636 BBG001S5SMQ8
LCSID Fiscal Year RBR ID Summary Classification Name
LC0000000455 2002 82734 Commercial Airline
LC0000000455 2002 82766 Commercial Airline
LC0000000455 2002 82769 Commercial Airline
LC0000000455 2013 82734 Commercial Airline
LC0000000455 2013 82766 Commercial Airline
LC0000000455 2013 82769 Commercial Airline
Product Line ID RBR ID
13 3527
15 3527
16 3527
30 3527
34 3527
38 3527


Company to Product Lines

Product lines represent the unique activities that an enterprise enacts on the economy. Some companies will have only one product line, whereas conglomerates will have many.

name type description
LCSID String Locus Classification System Identifier. Affinity Data's unique identifier for companies.
Fiscal Year Integer Integer marking the fiscal year of classification, as product line data changes with time.
Product Line ID Integer ID of record in Product Line table.
Revenue Segment String Category Segment of Revenue.
Product Line Name String Name of the product line.
Metric Type String Metrics we use to distinguish product lines, including: Total proven reserves, Revenue, Operating profit, Net insurance premiums, Net income, Loan portfolio, Gross profit, EBITDA, Backlog, Assets under management
Metric Percentage Float Percentage of this metric attributed to this product line, e.g. percentage of revenue a company earned from this product line in a given fiscal year.
Is Primary Boolean The product line’s metric is listed as a Primary Metric for that given fiscal year.

Related Business Risks (RBRs)

This table provides details about an RBR, including its taxonomic info.

name type description
RBR ID Integer RBR Identifier. Used to join company entities to RBR entities.
Parent RBR ID Integer RBR Identifier. A reference to the RBR that serves as a taxonomical parent.
Taxonomy String Taxonomy Name.
Name String RBR Name.
Description String Text description of an RBR.
Level Integer Numerical value representing an RBR group’s depth in a taxonomy. Taxonomy depth indicates specificity, with higher numerical values indicating greater specificity. Note that different taxonomies may have different maximum depth levels.

Company to Geographic Segments

This table provides regional breakdowns of revenue.

name type description
LCSID String Locus Classification System Identifier. Affinity Data's unique identifier for companies.
Fiscal Year Integer Integer marking the fiscal year of classification, as geographic segment data changes with time.
Region String Any kind of geographic region.
Region Type String The type of region. This can be one of: Superregion, Region, Subregion, Country, and State.
Revenue as Percentage Float Percentage of the company's total revenue. In cases where the region is marked as unattributed, the revenue percentage represents the portion of revenue that cannot be attributed to lower level regions.


This table provides a company name and our own unique identifier that will unify RBR and product line queries.

name type description
LCSID String Locus Classification System Identifier. Affinity Data's unique identifier for companies.
Company Name String A company’s registered name.

Company to OpenFIGIs

Join table connecting Companies to OpenFIGI identifiers. For more information on using these identifiers visit the OpenFIGI website.

name type description
LCSID String Locus Classification System Identifier. Affinity Data's unique identifier for companies.
Share Class FIGI String Financial Instrument Global Identifier.

Companies Markers

This table joins companies to their related business risks based on summary classifications.

name type description
LCSID String Locus Classification System Identifier. Affinity Data's unique identifier for companies.
Fiscal Year Integer Integer marking the fiscal year of classification, as company RBR data changes with time
RBR ID Integer RBR Identifier. Used to join company entities to RBR entities.
Summary Classification Name String The primary classification name used to associate the company with its related business risks

Product Lines to RBRs

This table Joins RBRs to Product Lines.

name type description
Product Line ID Integer ID of record in Product Line table.
RBR ID Integer ID of record in RBR table.

Show all the companies that got more than 10% of their revenue from Casino Operations in 2018.

            c.lcsid, c.company_name, SUM(pl.metric_percentage) metric_percentage
            us_composite_companies c
            JOIN us_composite_company_to_product_lines pl ON pl.lcsid = c.lcsid
            pl.product_line_name = 'Casino Operators'
            AND pl.metric_type = 'Revenue'
            AND pl.metric_percentage > 10.0
            AND pl.fiscal_year = 2018
          GROUP BY c.lcsid, c.company_name


LCSID Company Name Metric Percentage
LC0000012343 Penn National Gaming Inc 83.73
LC0000012344 Boyd Gaming Corp 73.30
LC0000012345 Caesars Entertainment Corp 50.61
LC0000012346 Churchill Downs Inc 40.75

Show all the companies that do business outside of the US have had exposure to Education Services.

            c.lcsid, c.company_name, gs.region
		      FROM us_composite_companies c
         		JOIN us_composite_company_to_product_lines pl ON pl.lcsid = c.lcsid
          	JOIN us_composite_product_lines_to_rbrs ptr ON ptr.product_line_id = pl.product_line_id
          	JOIN us_composite_related_business_risks rbr ON ptr.rbr_id = rbr.rbr_id
          	JOIN us_composite_company_to_geographic_segments gs ON gs.lcsid = c.lcsid
  = 'Education Services'
          	AND rbr.taxonomy = 'Activity'
          	AND gs.region != 'United States'
            AND gs.geography_type != 'State'


LCSID Company Name Region
LC0000804922 John Wiley & Sons Inc. East Asia
LC0000462614 Grand Canyon Education Inc North America
LC0000100651 Graham Holdings Co Other
LC0000028506 Adtalem Global Education Inc Brazil

Show all the RBRs with the most companies in this data set by their primary function.

          SELECT rbr.rbr_id,, count(c.lcsid) number_of_companies
          FROM us_composite_related_business_risks rbr
            JOIN us_composite_companies_markers cm ON rbr.rbr_id = cm.rbr_id
            JOIN us_composite_companies c ON cm.lcsid = c.lcsid
          WHERE cm.fiscal_year = '2018'
          GROUP BY rbr.rbr_id,
          ORDER BY number_of_companies DESC


RBR ID RBR Name Number of Companies
401 Activity 238
402 Resource 237
403 Distribution Model 130
404 Equipment/Components/Materials 108
405 Produce 106

Show all companies with over 6 product lines in 2018.

          SELECT c.lcsid, c.company_name, count(
          FROM us_composite_companies c
            JOIN us_composite_company_to_product_lines pl ON pl.lcsid = c.lcsid
          WHERE pl.fiscal_year = 2018
          GROUP BY c.lcsid, c.company_name
          HAVING count( > 6


LCSID Company Name Count
LC0000101071 Weingarten Realty Investors 20
LC0000439885 Douglas Emmett Inc 15
LC0000125080 Cousins Properties Inc 14
LC0000248716 JBG SMITH Properties 13
LC0000108357 National Retail Properties Inc 11

Show the activity assignment for a company in 2018.

          SELECT c.lcsid,, rbr.rbr_id, rbr.parent_rbr_id
          FROM us_composite_companies c
            JOIN us_composite_companies_markers cm ON c.lcsid = cm.lcsid
            JOIN us_composite_related_business_risks rbr ON cm.rbr_id = rbr.rbr_id
          WHERE rbr.taxonomy = 'Activity'
            AND cm.fiscal_year = 2018
            AND c.lcsid = 'LC0000446039'


LC0000446039 Activity 2789 NULL
LC0000446039 Sell/Broker 2791 2789
LC0000446039 Broker 2797 2791
LC0000446039 Retail 2792 2791
LC0000446039 Online Retail 2794 2792
Syntax US Large/MidCap 1000 data relationship