Syntax US Total Market 3000

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Get business-level classification for Syntax US Total Market 3,000 constituents. This consists of 3,000 US Companies ranging from mega-cap to small-cap companies.

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Primary Business Classification: 3,000+
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Business Risk Groups: 1,500+ exposures across 43 lenses
Icon for Classification Process
Classification Process: Analyst-Validated Classification

Data export enables analyst to:

  • Business-level classification for a broad collection of US Companies.
  • Understand multiple company risk factors that leverages a patented, multi-attributed classification system.
  • Create accurate peer groups and identify competitors based on primary business classification.

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Data Preview

LCSID Company Name Analyst Identifier Summary Barcode Name
LC0001078351 AAR Corp. 3299 Aftermarket Airplane Parts Distribution for Commercial Airlines
LC0000000455 American Airlines Group Inc. 702.1 Commercial Airline
LC0001048503 Ceco Environmental Corp. 6550 Fluid Handling and Pump Systems Installation for Industrial Companies
LC0000000745 Pinnacle West Capital Corporation 1191 Electricity Distributor to Consumers
LC0000000752 Aaron's, Inc. 7870 Digital Consumer Loans and Financing Solutions for Online Retailers
LC0000000778 Abbott Laboratories 5223 Implantable Medical Devices
RBR ID Parent RBR ID Taxonomy Name Description Level
82734 Activity Activity The Activity lens analyzes companies based on shared business activities, irrespective of the resource being acted upon. The lens is segmented into the following groups: Produce, Sell/Broker, Lease/Rent/Subscription, Process Transactions/Transfer Money, Infrastructure Operators, Software Developers and Operators of Website/Electronic Platforms, Transportation, Financing, Underwriting, and Trading, Professional Services, Research, Development, and Design, Leisure, Accommodation, and Recreation, Social and Consumer Services, and Maintenance, Repair, and Cleaning. 1
82735 82734 Activity Produce The related business risk associated with the Produce group is the manufacture, extraction, and development of resources. 2
82736 82735 Activity Resource Extraction The related business risk associated with the resource extraction group is the growing, mining, or drilling of natural resources. 3
82737 82735 Activity Manufacturing The related business risk associated with the Manufacturing group is the is the production of products using labour, machines, tools, chemical and biological processing, or formulation. 3
82738 82735 Activity Construction & Engineering The related business risk associated with the Real Estate Construction group is the construction, engineering, and development of real estate and infrastructure. 3
82739 82735 Activity Media and Information Production The related business risk associated with the Media Production group is the publishing, broadcasting, and producing of media. 3
LC0001078351 81889
LC0001078351 81890
LC0001078351 81892
LC0001078351 82172
LC0001078351 82180
LC0001078351 82182
LCSID Share Class FIGI
LC0000000455 BBG005P7Q907
LC0000000745 BBG001S5VB15
LC0000000752 BBG00VSH86H3
LC0000000778 BBG001S5N9M6
LC0000001032 BBG001S5NCC0
LC0000001610 BBG001S5NN36



This table provides a company name and our own unique identifier that will unify RBR and product line queries.

name type description
LCSID String Locus Classification System Identifier. Affinity Data's unique identifier for companies.
Company Name String A company’s registered name.
Analyst Identifier String Locus Classification Barcode Identifier. Affinity Data's unique identifier for barcodes.
Summary Barcode Name String Barcode Name.

Related Business Risks (RBRs)

This table provides details about an RBR, including its taxonomic info.

name type description
RBR ID Integer RBR Identifier. Used to join company entities to RBR entities.
Parent RBR ID Integer RBR Identifier. A reference to the RBR that serves as a taxonomical parent.
Taxonomy String Taxonomy Name.
Name String RBR Name.
Description String Text description of an RBR.
Level Integer Numerical value representing an RBR group’s depth in a taxonomy. Taxonomy depth indicates specificity, with higher numerical values indicating greater specificity. Note that different taxonomies may have different maximum depth levels.

Companies to RBRs

This table serves as a join table between company and RBR entities.

Name type description
LCSID String Locus Classification System Identifier. Affinity Data's unique identifier for companies.
RBR ID Integer RBR Identifier. Used to join company entities to RBR entities.

Company to OpenFIGIs

Join table connecting Companies to OpenFIGI identifiers. For more information on using these identifiers visit the OpenFIGI website.

name type description
LCSID String Locus Classification System Identifier. Affinity Data's unique identifier for companies.
Share Class FIGI String Financial Instrument Global Identifier.

Show how many companies share each summary barcode in this dataset

          analyst_identifier, summary_barcode_name, COUNT(*) count
        FROM us_total_market_companies
        GROUP BY analyst_identifier, summary_barcode_name ORDER BY count DESC


Analyst Identifier Summary Barcode Name Count
1264.4 Pre-Revenue Pharmaceutical Manufacturers 166
1265.3 Pre-Revenue Biotech Companies 120
882 Commercial Mortgages 95

Show a list of companies who's summary barcode is Networking Equipment.

        SELECT lcsid, company_name
        FROM us_total_market_companies
        WHERE analyst_identifier = '1543'


LCSID Company Name
LC0000015784 CalAmp Corp
LC0000172460 Cisco Systems Inc
LC0000378398 Ribbon Communications Inc

Lookup Apple Inc. by its Share Class FIGI.

        SELECT c.lcsid, c.company_name
        FROM us_total_market_companies c
          JOIN us_total_market_company_to_openfigis o ON c.lcsid = o.lcsid
        WHERE o.share_class_figi = 'BBG001S5N8V8'


LCSID Company Name
LC0000006718 Apple Inc

Lookup the Related Business Risks (RBRs) for Apple Inc. in the "Resource" taxonomy.

        SELECT r.rbr_id, r.parent_rbr_id,
        FROM us_total_market_company_to_rbrs cr JOIN us_total_market_rbrs r ON cr.rbr_id = r.rbr_id
        WHERE cr.lcsid = 'LC0000006718' AND r.taxonomy = 'Resource'
        ORDER BY parent_rbr_id ASC NULLS FIRST


2829 NULL Resource
2851 2829 Equipment/Components/Materials
2881 2851 Final Equipment
2881 2893 End-User Electronic Hardware
us large cap data relation